The largest cluster of Pentagonite ever found.
Pentagonite on miniature Heulandite and Mordenite
Matrix: Heulandite on Basalt
Dimensions: 19 cm x 13 cm total matrix size, 1500 grams
Wagholi Quarry, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Year of discovery: 2010
Mindat Specimen ID: V2T-KWC
The largest cluster of Pentagonite ever found.
The finest Pentagonite specimen available on the planet.
It has been on display at the Gargoti Mineral Museum
& featured at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Society Main Show.
This piece is one of, perhaps the, finest representation of the mineral
species existent. A world-class piece suitable for public display.
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"Study the science of art. Study the art of science . . . . Realize that everything connects to everything else." - Leonardo da Vinci
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