This complex Conglomerate of large-grained, gemmy Willemite crystals with Franklinite and minor Calcite is highly fluorescent on all sides. An extremely shortwave UV-fluorescent old-mine specimen from the ancient mountains of Northern New Jersey, USA. An active-mine piece from early/mid 20th C. from the Franklin Mine, Franklin, NJ. It contained some of the most spectacular geology on Earth, 300 or so different minerals, about 20% of which fluoresce in short or long wave ultraviolet light. This deposit of zinc-iron-manganese ores shaped by Precambrian carbonates are highly metamorphosed and contain minerals in forms that exist almost nowhere else. These images were taken with a 254 nm UVC light, which has to be used carefully.
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"Study the science of art. Study the art of science . . . . Realize that everything connects to everything else." - Leonardo da Vinci
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